A correct inventory of medical equipment is the first and most critical step in implementing management processes for monitoring and control of medical equipment. The information gathered is recorded in an electronic format, allowing direct import into the Medical Equipment Management System used in the hospital. The medical equipment inventory must also be accompanied by a barcode which, in combination with the use of wireless electronic devices, provides a wide range of possibilities to manage devices and information related to them. Such options include direct and fast identification of all equipment used in the health care unit, rapid updating of the inventory whenever necessary, standardization of the codification procedures, etc.
Indicative equipment info
- Device Category and Group according to a well-established Nomenclature and Codification System (like: UMDNS or GMDN)
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial number
- Supplier
- Hospital department
- Date of installation
Experience of INBIT
from large scale Medical Equipment Inventory projects, undertaken in collaboration with the Biomedical Technology Unit (BITU) of the University of Patras
- Nationwide - all Greek NHS hospitals (1999)
- RHSs Central Greece & Cyclades (2002)
- RHSs A' Attica, Western Greece & Thessaly (2003)
- RHS Crete (2005)
- IKA (nationwide) (2003)
- All health care units of six administrative regions (2015)
- Public hospitals in Makedonia and Athens (2018)