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Townhall Co-Moderators: Kathy Wayre and Elliot Sloane, PhD, CCE, CED Collaborator
WHO perspective, Adriana Velazquez* & Cai Long (10 min); WHO Medical Devices Unit: https://www.who.int/medical_devices/en/
Environment expert focus on surfaces (assets & people), Ruth Carrico, PhD, RN (10 min)
Environment expert focus re airborne (on assets & people), Maureen Spencer, MEd, BSN, RN, FAPIC (10 min)
ECRI clinician perspective, Andy Furman, MD, Executive Director for Clinical Excellence (10 min); see
AAMI standards perspective, Amanda Benedict, Vice President of Standards (10 min)
LMIC Case Study (Brazil) re Ventilators & Anesthesia Machines, Benedito F. de Lima, CE, Albert Einstein Hospital, Sao Paolo, Brazil (10 min)
Q&A (whole audience, May Townhalls averaged 200 registrants from 60 countries each) – 30 min